Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Never been a blogger...but have much to say


I thought driving in Los Angeles was bad enough, but to go to a European country and then get your ass handed to you on a silver platter that tells you to forget anything you know about driving and to learn the opposite way of doing things, the wrong way. I moved to Greece in 2005, being that I love cars and was always with classic cars in the States. I never drove anything made past 1970, I love land yachts, I feel safe in them, I have plenty of power, and I look good standing still. Fast forward 4 years to today, beginning of September. I have stories that would make your skin crawl about drivers. We all have our run of the mill drunk drivers, lack of common sense drivers, the drivers on mobile phones or with a razor/makeup,sandwich in their hand; that's nothing. I was minding my own business running an errand and I saw the police escort that was huddled around the prime ministers vehicle. Other drivers around me do not care, they just keep driving their 120kph(70 mph) without a care in the world. I actually pull over to the right to let cars go by. While other cars in front of me started driving faster to escape the caravan, I was merging to slow down when low and behold a black M3 with a blue strobe comes right up to my drivers side door and starts forcing me into the dirt on the side of the freeway. By the way, its a three-lane road. Federal Police on one side, Prime Minister in the middle, and where the heck am I supposed to go. No one likes this guy, I never voted for him but to just go about and endanger the lives of people on a public road, no sirens, no lights, nothing....What if I had been an elderly driver and I rammed the escorts M3? You know its bad when a police officer can't even drive on a public road.....Well, not exactly public either, the Germans came to town and purchased the rights to build a Toll Road/Freeway. So technically, the Germans own the road for the next 40 years per the contract. I do not respect police officers here anyways, all they are.....are high school kids that were picked on and felt the need to have a gun attached to their hip. The funny yet sad part about that is that if they draw their weapon they won't use it. Here the law is pathetic that states a police may draw his weapon to defend but he cannot pull the trigger. Funny how that works out! If they pull the trigger and inflict harm or if it turns out fatal, they can be arrested for murder. Great police system we have here. I have personally seen a guy get shot 4 times by an L.A. Sheriff's Deputy because the guy pulled a screwdriver on the officer. Let's not even touch base on how one prisoner escaped a maximum security prison here...TWICE!! by the same method of exit and police officers did nothing to stop the situation. We'll touch base on that next time.

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